Which of the Following Is Not a Special Character That Can Be Utilized in an Ntfs File Name?
Before you start
Objectives: larn of import file extensions, how file associations are made, what unlike file attributes exist, how to hide or compress and encrypt a file, what are file permissions, how to show protected system files and why is NTFS important.
Prerequisites: no prerequisites.
Key terms: ntfs, attribute, subconscious, compressed, control, encrypt, permissions, explorer, binder, protected
File Names
In the days of the DOS and Windows 3X versions of Windows which used FAT16 file system, nosotros had to follow the 8.3 naming convention. eight.3 naming convention means that we can use viii characters maximum in the file name (the role earlier the period), and three characters maximum in the extension (the part after the period). The file name could not include spaces and could not include special characters. With FAT32 and NTFS we now take long file name support which means that nosotros tin use up to 255 characters in file name. NTFS supports Unicode characters which means that it supports all characters except of /.
File Extensions
A complete file name is fabricated up of a file path combined with the name of the file itself. Extensions are included in a file name to bespeak a file type. The extension identifies what the file it is, what it contains and what program is used to create and alter the file. There are many kinds of file extensions today. Three specific extensions are .com, .exe and .bat. COM stands for command or compiled file, EXE stands for executable file, and BAT stands for batch file. Files with those extensions volition execute some lawmaking when we run them and they will exercise something. Batch files also run and execute a serial of commands, only typically launch some other program to interpret the commands in the batch or script file.
Other types of files that won't execute, just are role of a program are .dll,.drv, and .vxd. DLL stands for information link library, DRV stands for driver, and VXD stands for virtual device commuter. A dll is part of a Windows plan, a drvis a driver used past an awarding to talk to hardware and vxd is a virtual device driver.
Other file extensions that don't execute and are not part of whatsoever programme are, for instance, .txt, .docx or .physician, .rtf, .pdf, .xls or .xlsx,.ppt or.pptx, etcetera. A text file TXT is alpha numeric text. RTF is rich text format which is an enhancement of .txt. A Md and DOCX is a Word file. PDF is Adobe's portable document format. Common paradigm extensions are .gif,.jpg, .bmp, and.png. JPG a compressed image. BMP is a Windows bitmap. PNG is a portable network graphic. Common compressed audio formats are.mp3 and .wma. Windows installer files are .msi and .zap.
To check the file extension we can right click a file and choose Backdrop.
331.one – File Properties
Notice that in our example the type of file is JPEG image (.jpg). In this tab we tin likewise encounter the file name and the plan that opens this type of file. In our example .jpg files are opened with Windows Photo Viewer. We tin can also see the location for the file too as the size of the file and when it was created and concluding modified.
There is a way in which we can show the file extension forth with the file name. We tin change this by going to the Control Console > Folder Options > View tab. Hither we take an pick 'Hide extensions for known file types'.
331.2 – Extension Option
By default, Windows hides the extension of files. If nosotros uncheck this, the file extension will be added to the file names in Windows Explorer.
File Associations
Microsoft Windows associates files with applications by their extension. A .docx file opens in Word, a .png opens in image viewing program, .mp3 opens in audio role player, and and then on. Nosotros can modify the extensions association inside Windows but if a file is incorrectly associated with an application, the file will not open. To change the association we tin go to the file properties and and so click on the Alter push button in the Full general tab.
331.3 – File Association
We can as well go to the Control Panel and apply the Default Programs option to acquaintance a file type with a program. There we volition see all identified file types that exist on the system, along with the application that is used to open that file. When we install an application, file extension associations are created automatically for the file types the application uses.
File Attributes
Every file maintained on our file system has certain attributes associated with it. Four key attributes are 'hidden', 'organization', 'readonly' and 'annal' aspect. If the hidden aspect (hidden flake) is turned on, that file volition non show up while nosotros browse in Windows Explorer. Users that do not know the specific file name of the hidden file can not view or access it. If the system attribute is turned on Windows will protect that file in a special mode because it is a arrangement file. System file can not be deleted. If the read but aspect is turned on, nosotros won't be able to modify and rewrite that file. If the archive chip is turned on, our back upwardly program will know whether or not that file has been backed up. The Archive attribute actually identifies if a file has been modified since the last backup. To see attributes of the file simply right click it and select Properties.
331.4 – File Attributes
Other file attributes are related to file encryption, file compression andindexing. If a file is encrypted on an Encrypting File System (EFS) such as NTFS, the data is protected when it'due south saved in such a way that just the person who owns the information can work with it. To encrypt a file, become to its properties, and so click Advanced push button and select the 'Encrypt contents to secure data' option. After we click OK we will have to select whether we desire to encrypt the file and the folder or do we but want to encrypt the file.
331.v – Advanced Attributes
In our case we volition only encrypt the file. Notice that the title of the document has changed to green to indicate an encrypted file.
331.6 – Encrypted File
If a file is compressed information technology'southward written in a format which takes less infinite on our hard drive. To compress a file, go to its properties, on the General tab click on the Advanced button and select the 'Compress file to save disk space' option. In our case we have compressed the Tulips file. Notice that the name of the file is colored in bluish, which indicates compression.
331.7 – Compressed File
Files and folders can be encrypted or compressed, but not both at the same fourth dimension. Indexing aspect tells the system if the file is indexed or not. If an operating system indexes a file information technology keeps runway of the file location and can recollect it more quickly.
There is a manner in which we can see hidden files in Explorer. Permit'due south go to Binder Options in Control Panel and click on the View Tab. Here we have an pick that regulates hidden files and folders.
331.8 – Hidden Files and Folders
Notice that in our instance the default is to not show hidden files and folders. If nosotros select the 'Bear witness hidden files, folders and drives', we will meet all files with subconscious attribute set while we browse in Windows Explorer. The just thing that will be different is the file icon which volition appear a niggling scrap fainter. That indicates that the icon is actually a hidden file.
331.9 – Hidden File
Trough Folder Options we can also control the way in which compressed and encrypted files are shown in Explorer. The option that regulates that is named Show encrypted or compressed NTFS files in color. By default this selection is selected and that's what controls the name of these documents showing in the different color.
331.10 – Colour Options
File Permissions
NTFS file organization associates an Admission Command list (ACL) with every file. Those are likewise called NTFS permissions. The ACL specifies who can work with the file and what they tin can do to the file or who can't work with the file and who can't do anything with the file inside the NTFS file system. NTFS supports this, just FAT16 and FAT32 do not. Because of that we should always employ NTFS equally our file organization for XP and newer operating systems. To see the ACL of the file, go to its properties and and so open up the Security tab. In our instance we will check the security of the file named Koala.
331.eleven – Security Tab
Here we can add users and groups and identify the types of actions that they are allowed to perform on those files. If we moving NTFS files to another NTFS partitioning, the permissions volition be preserved. If we move NTFS files to a not-NTFS partition, permissions volition exist removed.
System Files
Past default Windows hides sure operating organization files that it doesn't want us to see or modify. This is a security measure out to proceed uneducated users from making changes they shouldn't be making. To prove protected arrangement files nosotros can become to Folder Options in Command Panel, then View tab and uncheck the 'Hide protected operating system files' option.
331.12 – Protected Files Choice
Files on FAT32 and NTFS can have upwards to 255 characters in file proper noun. Extensions are included in a filename to indicate a file blazon. The extension identifies what the file it is, what it contains and what program is used to create and change the file. Windows associates files with applications past their extension. Every file has certain attributes associated with it. Iv primal attributes are 'hidden', 'arrangement', 'read only' and 'archive' attribute. Other attributes are related to encryption, compression and indexing. By default Windows hides sure operating system files that it doesn't want us to encounter or change. NTFS file organisation assembly an Access Command list (ACL) with every file.
Source: https://www.utilizewindows.com/file-names-extensions-properties-and-security/
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